+36 1 336 1888
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Mo-Th: 1100–2100, Fr-Su: 1100–2200
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Privacy policy

  1. Data Manager’s details
    operator: Zerokaloria Kft.
    address: 56 Bem Rakpart, basement, door 1, Budapest 1027
    phone: +36 1 336 1888
    fax: +36 1 336 1889
    e-mail: info@ilovesushi.hu
    website: www.ilovesushi.hu
  2. Data Manager shall handle the following data of registered users (hereafter users):
    the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the user and other data provided by the user.
  3. Data Manager shall handle personal data of the user listed in point 2 of the present regulation with the consent of the user. Filling the registration form from the website constitutes a consent of the user.
    Data Manager shall not handle special data related to the users.
  4. Data Manager shall only handle personal data of the users for the sake of identifying users and completion of their requests. Data Manager is entitled to send newsletters to the e-mail address provided by the user, as long as there is consent to that from user’s end. Data Manager facilitates revocation of consent to the circulation of newsletters via a link provided in the newsletters.
  5. Data Manager informs users on the data sheet before drawing the data that providing data is voluntary. However, Data Manager can only bind himself by a contractual obligation, if the user has informed him about his data listed in point 2 of this regulation by filling in the form.
  6. Data Manager shall store user’s data for a year. User has a right to request deletion of his data anytime during this period. Data Manager must immediately fulfil user’s request regarding deletion of his data with a maximum time frame of 72 hours from arrival of request.
  7. User may inquire anytime about his data handled, ask for modification or deletion of data related to him. By unsubscribing, user may demand anytime that the Data Manager cease sending him newsletters.
    User may submit his request for information, modification or deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Manager’s e-mail address indicated in point 1 of the present regulation, or by updating his data sheet.
  8. In this regulation, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
    1. personal data:
      data that may be associated with the concerned person – especially his name, identification code, as well as any information typical to a physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity – as well as any conclusion related to the concerned person that may be deducted from those;
    2. special data:
      1. personal data with respect to race, nationality, political views or party affiliation, religious or other ideological conviction, membership in advocacy groups or sexual life,
      2. personal data related to state of health, pathological addiction, as well as personal data concerning criminal record;
    3. consent:
      a voluntary and firm declaration of the will of the concerned person, which is based on proper information and in which he gives his unambiguous consent to the management (comprehensive or limited to certain procedures) of personal data related to him;
    4. data management:
      the carrying out of any action on the data or the entirety of such actions regardless of the procedure applied. Especially recording, enquiring, forwarding, freezing, also collection, documentation, systematisation, storage, modification, usage, publication, synchronisation or association, deletion and erasure, as well as impeding further usage of the data;
    5. data deletion:
      making data unrecognisable in such manner that restoration is no longer possible;
    6. data destruction:
      total physical destruction of the data carrier that holds the data;
    7. data processing:
      the carrying out of technical exercises related to data management processes, regardless of the method applied for accomplishing these operations, as well as the place of accomplishment, given the technical exercise is carried out on the data;
    8. database:
      the entirety of the data held in the same system of record.
  9. In questions not settled in this regulation the rules set out in the 2011 CXII Statute on the Right for Informational Autonomy and Freedom of Information bear normativity adequately.